It’s the beginning of September and I can already feel change in the air. Funny how nature is always one step ahead of us 😊 Change impacts people in many different ways. Some thrive on change while other see change as a threat to the predictability of the moment. This year is filled with lots of changes for me.
As someone who has always looked at change through an optimistic lens, I have to admit that I am entering new territory as I adjust to change this year. I retired from a career that I held for over 20 years and although excited about the next chapter, I have found myself struggling with letting go of the need to produce, pushing myself into my next chapter and not allowing myself the time to transition and let go of who I was for 20 years.
How did I realize what was going on? By turning to my mindfulness practice and using the skills to uncover what was really going on. With the tools, I was able to recognize that something felt off and I allowed myself to be with the feelings without masking over the discomfort. Then I investigated to see what was really going on, not trying to solve or analyze but allowing what was lying just beneath the surface to appear. Once I was able to see what was truly going on, I began to resource for myself and determine what I needed next.
What I need next is an intentional pause, one where I am not striving, pushing, achieving, or producing. Being vulnerable enough to risk that if I take a pause, opportunities will still be there once I re-engage. Building a mindset of abundance, knowing that there is enough for everyone to be successful instead of a mindset of scarcity, fearing I might miss out on something.

As September begins, my pause begins, and with it all its insecurities and anxiousness, excitement and joy and new chapters that will begin this month. I look forward to learning more about myself and returning to the great opportunities that lie ahead.